IT had to be rock music that blared out of a former quarry yesterday when primary school children set a geology lesson to music.

Pupils from Wolsingham Primary School wrote and recorded their own song during a day-long workshop with freelance puppeteers and animators Rachel Clark and Emma Boor at Harehope Quarry, near Frosterley.

They composed their own lyrics to a pre-recorded soundtrack, weaving in the unlikely words limestone, quartz and lead.

A group from Wolsingham School and Community College tried the same exercise last term and are preparing to record their song Avalanche in the school's new studio.

Rachel said: "It has been very successful. Today's group came up with some really good lyrics in the first 15 minutes.

"For a subject which can be quite hard to get across, they have really got into it. We find that using music and lyrics really helps them learn and retain information.

"It really has been a good educational experience."