A FURTHER £200,000 of investment could be made to help owners of older properties in a Darlington conservation area, if senior councillors give their approval.

Darlington Borough Council's cabinet members will be asked to release the funding for Northgate Conservation Area, £100,000 of which is from English Heritage, which the authority has worked with for the past four years on the Northgate Partnership Scheme in Conservation Areas.

The scheme provides grants to assist in the improvement of an area of historical importance, but which is also one of the most economically run-down gateways into the town.

Significant improvements have been made since the scheme began four years ago, and confidence in the area has been boosted, but more needs to be done to reverse decades of under-investment.

The partnership aims to encourage and implement restoration of historic and architectural features and to help those suffering structural problems, such as with roofs and front walls, as well as to repair features and re-introduce historic ones that have been removed.

Councillor David Lyonette, the council's cabinet member for regeneration and planning, said: "This is an excellent scheme, which is making a real difference.

"The area has seen economic decline as a result of under-investment - something we hope to reverse by improving the condition, appearance and prospects of such an historic and important part of the town.

"The fact English Heritage is continuing to match-fund the project also shows its confidence in the scheme and the work of the council."

The cabinet will make a decision on funding at its next meeting on Tuesday, May 9.