A MAN who terrorised his estranged wife by holding her hostage at knifepoint at the newsagents where she worked has been jailed by a judge.

James Ronald Richards was carrying three knives when he burst into Neasham Road News, in Darlington, and subjected his wife, Julie, to "47 minutes of utter terror".

Teesside Crown Court heard how three teenaged papergirls were forced to flee when Richards burst into the shop, which was surrounded by armed police when the alert was raised.

During the ordeal, recorded on CCTV, he stabbed his 32-year-old victim about the body and told officers he would "cut her head off".

Richards, 35, of Falmer Road, Darlington, grabbed a can of lighter fuel and sprayed it over her T-shirt.

He also smashed a CCTV monitor and cameras, phone, radio and cash monitor, causing almost £3,000 damage.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, said Mrs Richards was finally able to make a "desperate attempt" to escape and ran out of the store to be met by police, before being taken to hospital.

A few minutes later, the defendant, who had been drinking and consumed a mixture of amphetamine, cocaine and cannabis, gave himself up and was arrested.

He later said he could recall nothing of the incident on October 16, last year, other than officers pointing a gun at him as he came outside.

Mrs Richards, who was not in court, suffered stab wounds, lacerations, bruising and a bloodied nose. She was said to live in continuous fear of her husband and had nightmares.

The court heard claims that Richards had become jealous of his wife after the pair split and their 15-year marriage unravelled.

He had previously held her against her will at the family home, on July 13. Mr Dodds said he had taken her phone and car keys from her and disconnected the phone.

The defendant admitted two charges of false imprisonment, making a threat to kill, witness intimidation, criminal damage, putting a person in fear of violence and a wounding offence.

His barrister Graham Reeds, who handed in a dozen character references to the court, said he had deluded himself into thinking the relationship with his wife was not over.

The judge, Recorder Alistair MacDonald, said Richards would remain in jail for an indefinite period, although he would be able to apply for early parole, due to his guilty pleas and the amount of time he had spent in custody.