A REGISTERED sex offender who failed to notify police of his change of address was jailed for six months yesterday.

John Potts is required to inform the authorities of where he is living because of his status on the sex offenders' register.

The 38-year-old was ordered to stay on the register for life after being convicted of a sex attack - which he still denies - and jailed for six years in September 1998.

But between October and December last year, officers repeatedly called at the address where he said he was living but found no trace of him.

He was arrested on December 2 and explained he had moved due to a family fall-out.

Potts, of St Luke's Road, Pennywell, Sunderland, pleaded guilty to failing to notify a change of address.

Newcastle Crown Court was told he has already served a two-month sentence for a similar offence of failing to notify.

Judge Maurice Carr jailed him for six months, most of which he has served on remand.

Judge Carr said he accepted Potts had not failed to notify the change of address to hide his whereabouts for the purpose of committing further offences.

But the judge told him: "Having said that, this registration is an important piece of legislation which I have no doubt you would have been told about in the past."