A CAMPAIGN is under way to find a new location for Darlington's cattle market.

Councillors in the town's Park East ward are calling for public backing in their attempt to re-locate the busy Clifton Road market.

Restrictions on movement of cattle over 30-months-old were lifted in January 2005, leading to a significant increase in lorry traffic to the market which has caused disruption for nearby residents.

Councillors Glen Reynolds, Joe Lyonette, and Cyndi Hughes are spearheading the campaign to find a more suitable site for the Darlington Farmers' Auction Mart Company.

Disgruntled residents are fed-up with delivery lorries obstructing the road and causing traffic chaos, rather than using the area at the back of the market for deliveries.

Market owner Stephen Aitken said: "I am more than willing to work with the council to get us moved away from this street. The market is busier than it has ever been, and a move wouldn't affect our business."

Darlington Borough Council owns the land, but leases it to the company.

A spokeswoman for the council said: "The council is not actively looking for a new site for the auction mart, but it would be happy to work with the Darlington Farmers' Auction Mart Company on this."