A TEENAGER breached an anti-social behaviour order (Asbo) just 12 days before it expired.

Zara Jane Hawkins, now 19, was made the subject of the two-year order by South Durham magistrates in July 2003.

Conditions were imposed restricting her behaviour, specifically banning her from entering Willington Primary School and Parkside Comprehensive School, or being seen in public with a number of youths from the area.

But she appeared at Durham Crown Court yesterday charged with criminal damage and two counts of breaching the Asbo.

She is accused of damaging a blue Rover car, and breaching the order by harassing and intimidating a witness by threatening to damage his property, as well as inciting others to cause damage.

The second breach charge stems from the damage caused to the car.

Hawkins admitted all three charges relating to incidents on July 16 last year, 12 days before the order expired.

Sentence was adjourned for preparation of reports on her by the probation service.

Hawkins, of Fairfield Walk, Sunnybrow, Willington, was bailed to return for sentence on Monday, April 3.