STAFF and pupils at Durham School raised more than £600 for Scope during a non-uniform day.

They also held a bring-and-buy sale and collection for the charity, which is close to the heart of the junior department's head of games, Bill Parker.

Mr Parker's eldest son, Richard, 21, has cerebral palsy and had to undergo numerous operations.

His father said: "I promised myself back then that I would raise money to help benefit other families going through a similar experience. We were very lucky to be in the care of one of the top neonatal units in the country at the Newcastle General Hospital and always knew that the support of Scope was there for us if needed."

He added: "I am delighted that Durham School has responded so swiftly by supporting my fundraising campaign and I hope that other local schools will now follow suit and get involved."

For information or to get involved, contact Mr Parker at the school on 0191-384 8233.