A MOBILE office has been launched to bring council services closer to residents.

The £82,000 one-stop shop was launched by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council on Monday.

The bus will make half-day stops at nine locations across the borough.

With modern satellite technology, visitors will be able to access the same services they would from the council's call centre or other shops.

Users can also contact the Citizens' Advice Bureau, Redcar and Cleveland Mind, The Junction or, for domestic violence problems, the police or Women's Aid, through a telephone access point.

The council's cabinet member for corporate resources, Councillor Glyn Nightingale, said: "The mobile one-stop shop is the latest in a series of initiatives that we are making to bring the council's services closer to local people.

"We will now be able to reach all parts of the borough and our residents can access council services more conveniently, closer to their homes.

"This is another step forward in improving the ways we can listen to what people want and act far more effectively. We hope local people will make the best use of the new service."

For details call 0845 6126 126 or visit www.redcar-cleveland.gov.uk