ELECTED MAYORS: WHO would have thought that Councillor Frank Robson (the mayor's husband) would leap to the defence of the current undemocratic system? (HAS, Mar 13).

After all, the system ultimately results in a politically biased man (council leader John Williams) making important decisions to the detriment of the town.

The real question for the people of Darlington is whether they want the opportunity to vote for a mayor who is not politically motivated and thus would be motivated to listen to the people of Darlington. After all, if she or he didn't listen they would be not be re-elected - what greater motivation could there be?

As for Councillor Robson's comments that "the system we have in Darlington is the envy of many local authorities" - which authorities would these be?

With regard to Coun Robson's comments regarding "minority groups with a score to settle" I would remind Councillor Robson that a referendum was held in Whessoe to ask the people whether or not famous landmark the White Horse should be demolished; 98 per cent voted in favour of keeping this historic building. 98 per cent is not a minority.

Darlington Council's decision to grant permission for the White Horse to be demolished is one example of a seriously flawed decision-making process.

We are all aware of many other bad decisions that have been and continue to be made supposedly on behalf of the people of Darlington. - Name and address supplied.


RE Frank Robson's letter, I, as a campaigner for an elected mayor, can only assume the council is running scared.

I don't doubt his statement "all were elected on seniority grounds" because it is clear with the mayor that her affiliations, no matter how allegedly deserving, are clearly linked to the council in such a manner she agrees with everything they propose.

I feel the leader is wrong in saying we are a small group of people who want our own way.

That is simply incorrect and the numbers on the petition will reflect that change is nigh.

What we are is a town of disillusioned people with no control over the supposed democratic way in which our lives at present are ruined by the council.

So we have joined together in a fight against them simply to seek our legal right to end this sham of jobs for the boys.

Why is democracy to be feared? It's better than the mayoral system as it stands today.

Yes, they have a low council tax but not as low as it could have been.

Yes, pensioners have free travel as they should, but two good things do not a good council make. - Ian White, Hurworth.


YOUR correspondent Mr Frank Robson claims that the present system of an unelected mayor in Darlington is the best system and the one preferred by residents.

He then goes on to say that there are some people in Darlington who are asking for a referendum - presumably they prefer to elect their own mayor, as more and more people are wanting to do.

Nothing can be more democratic that to allow every resident to have a vote on such an important thing. Can I suggest that since Mr Robson appears very confident that it is only a minority who feel this way - have the referendum and then Mr Robson might be proved right - then again he could be wrong. - Councillor Joan McTigue, Middlesbrough.