A WEBSITE to give disabled people information about a town centre has been short-listed for a national award.

The Wheelygood site - run by Darlington Association on Disability (DAD) - is the first of its kind in the country.

It has an interactive map showing wheelchair-accessible routes in the town centre, parking places, dropped kerbs and disabled access to shops and public buildings.

The initiative was launched last April and was instantly used by 4,000 surfers every month.

DAD monitors the site to provide regular updates following developments, including the Pedestrian Heart project.

It has been short-listed for the national Institute of Highways and Transport Accessibility Award. The winner will be announced on May 16.

Councillor Nick Wallis, cabinet member for highways and transport, at Darlington Borough Council, said: "The council and DAD have worked in partnership for many years to make the town centre a more inclusive place for disabled people."

The website can be accessed at www.wheelygood.org