TWO teenagers are looking forward to a career in the Navy after completing basic training.

Anton Stanford, 19, of Cockerton, Darlington, and Jody Beckingham, 16, from Newton Aycliffe, have completed eight weeks at HMS Raleigh learning basic skills.

Jody, a former pupil of Greenfield School in Newton Aycliffe, said: "It feels great to have completed phase one training, it's like completing a goal.

"Some of the highlights have been meeting new people and the physical challenges."

Anton, a former pupil of Branksome Comprehensive School, is following in the footsteps of his brother, Stephen.

He said: "My time at HMS Raleigh is something I will never forget and I am really proud of my achievements."

Anton is to train as a marine engineering mechanic at HMS Sultan, near Portsmouth, while Jody will remain at HMS Raleigh to train as a steward.

For more information about joining the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, call 0845 607 5555.