A £25,000 art project to tidy an area of open land is taking shape.

People in Stokesley are being asked to have their say on designs for the scheme, on land between The Stripe and Neasham Lane.

Working with pupils from Stokesley's primary and secondary schools, Durham artist Phil Townsend has produced designs for a weather vane, sculptural seat and woodland entrance markers.

The children will be creating clay tiles to inset into the oak pieces. Each of the tiles will reflect the fauna and flora of the area.

Funding for the scheme has come from the Arts Council and Wimpey Homes.

Models and drawings can be viewed at Hambleton District Council's office in Town Close, Stokesley, between 8.45am and 5.15pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.45am to 4.45am on Friday, for the next two weeks.