THREE youths barged into a house late at night armed with sticks and a bat to carry out a punishment beating on a teenager.

Durham Crown Court was told that brothers Paul and Stephen Hodgson were seeking retribution after their 14-year-old sister was attacked the previous day.

Along with friend Jamie Roberts, they then went to a house in Snowdon Place, Peterlee, County Durham, where their 18-year-old victim was at home with his grandmother.

John Wilkinson, prosecuting, said they "set about" the victim, whom they believed had stood by when the attack on the sister of the Hodgson brothers had taken place the previous day.

Stephen Hodgson, 18, of Polden Close, Peterlee, his 20-year-old brother Paul, now of Livingston in Scotland, and Roberts, of Dahlia Crescent, Easington Colliery, each admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon.

Paul Hodgson and Roberts also admitted a further count of assault causing actual bodily harm, relating to an earlier street assault on another 18-year-old.

Judge Peter Armstrong said given the provocation, their remorse and their lack of relevant previous convictions he was able to impose nine-month prison sentences suspended for two years on all three. Community punishment orders of 200 hours each were imposed on Paul Hodgson and Roberts, and 150 hours on Stephen Hodgson.

All three were ordered to pay £100 compensation to one victim, while Paul Hodgson and Roberts were ordered to pay £100 compensation to the other. Each must also pay £350 costs.