NEARLY 500 youngsters from Darlington have taken part in a festival of dance.

The dance festival, held at Longfield School, was organised by the School Sports Partnership for Darlington.

Thirty schools from around the town took part in the festival, which was the second one to take place.

Alison Raw, who manages the sports partnership, said the event was set up to provide a non-competitive sports activity and has doubled since it was held for the first time last year.

Many different types of dance were held, ranging from traditional Morris dancing and Scottish country dancing to contemporary dance, including Latin American and hip-hop.

Ms Raw said: "All the feedback we've had has been really positive.

"Some of the older pupils choreographed their own dances.

"The standard was right down from nearly professional to groups of children who just wanted to dance, which was great, as I wanted it to be a celebration of dance."