A SCHOOL with a reputation for turning out male rugby stars is now hoping to find some top tacklers among its female pupils.

A girls' team has been formed at Barnard Castle School, where internationals such as Rory and Tony Underwood, Newcastle Falcons director Rob Andrew and young England centre Mathew Tait learned the game.

About a dozen young hopefuls have started training with teacher John Hughes in preparation for a national ladies sevens competition at Rosslyn Park in London later this year.

Mr Hughes said: "We are hoping to get a bit of practice against St Bees in Cumbria, which also has a girls' team.

"Some of the girls are already quite good, others are trying it for the first time. They all seem to have a good understanding of the game through supporting the boys.

"We have some very talented sportswomen in the school with real pace and strength, and I'm sure that and their enthusiasm will carry them through."