COUNCIL tax rises for Wear Valley residents are expected to be agreed this week.

Wear Valley District Council's share of the total charge will go up by 2.95 per cent if councillors agree at a meeting on Thursday.

When added to precepts charged by Durham County Council, Durham Police Authority and County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority, the new valuation bands will be: Band A £894 88p; Band B £1,044.03; Band C £1,193.17; Band D £1,342.32; Band E £1,640.61; Band F £1,938.91; Band G £2,237.20; Band H £2,684.64.

People living in areas with a parish council will pay additional charges ranging from about £8 to £60 a year, depending on the band and parish precept.

The meeting is at 4pm in the Civic Centre, Crook.