RESIDENTS' views on plans for a renewable energy village on a former cement works site will be published next week.

The Weardale Task Force has set Wednesday, March 1, as the date for issuing its report on last year's consultation over the village which would replace Lafarge Cement's plant at Eastgate, County Durham.

An eco village, powered by five forms of renewable energy including hot rocks, would create technology and research jobs, while there would be workshops and housing, as well as attractions for tourists such as a spa, winter sports, a wood-powered railway, a working quarry and a hotel.

The task force spoke to parish councils and community groups and held four public meetings.

The report is expected to reveal general support for the scheme, with most people feeling the balance of proposals was about right.

Some people suggested ways of improving the concept, while others were concerned about the impact on the Weardale community.

People said that jobs were needed but wanted to see the right kind of jobs.

And there was a widespread view that the development should include affordable housing, although there was some question whether Eastgate was the best location.

The report will be available on the Wear Valley District Council and County Durham Economic Partnership websites.