A group is being set up to help the rising numbers of people affected by asbestos-related illnesses across North Yorkshire.

York Asbestos Support Group will offer help, advice and support to sufferers throughout the county.

Some asbestos-related illnesses can take 30 years or more to come to light.

The support group hopes to attract 50 people to its inaugural meeting at the Conference Centre, Burnholme Community College, York, on March 7, at 7pm.

It will also offer advice on issues such as accessing medical treatments, benefits entitlement, counselling, legal issues and respite care.

Asbestos was widely used in the engineering, ship-building and construction industries during the 20th Century and can lead to a range of disabling and fatal illnesses. Their long gestation means that the number of cases will rise for many years.

Details of York Asbestos Group, which will be organised and run voluntarily, are being sent to all local GPs as well as other relevant groups.

Lawyer Kim Daniels, who is setting up the group, said: "There has never been a resource of this kind in York and North Yorkshire to meet the needs of victims of asbestos.

"We have initial funding and hope that the inaugural meeting will identify volunteers to help deliver the service."

For further details on the group, contact Kim Daniels on 07787 120317 or log on to the group's website, which can be found at www.yasg.co.uk