school pupil Nicola Hughes is the envy of her friends and family after winning a chance to be a ball girl at St James' Park.

The 11-year-old Newcastle fan won a competition to be a ball girl at United's Premiership match against Liverpool next month in a radio phone-in hosted by United legend Malcolm Macdonald.

She correctly answered Dietmar Hamann when asked which ex-Newcastle player is now in the Liverpool team, and was then drawn out of 30 correct callers as the winner.

Mother Liz said all the family was listening at their home in Annfield Plain, near Stanley, County Durham, when the winner was announced.

She said: "The house was in uproar and they rang back to chat to her. She was high as a kite for the rest of the night and she can't wait for the match to come round."

Mrs Hughes and husband Stephen will be in the stands at St James' Park on March 19 for the match, while older sister Kayleigh and family friends Simon and Richard Peel also hope to get tickets.

Mrs Hughes said the only word of advice Nicola has been given, so far, is to not throw the ball back too forcefully.

"The last thing she wants to do is knock out Alan Shearer," she said.