A YOUTH theatre group sets out on the road to fame and fortune in its latest panto production.

The Witton Gilbert Drama Group, in County Durham, is staging Dick Whittington this week as its annual panto.

A cast and crew of 40, aged mainly in the nine to 18 range, is putting the finishing touches to the production, which charts the journey of the young Dick seeking wealth in London.

The four-show run is the culmination of months of preparation and rehearsals for the small drama group, which meets weekly in the village Methodist Chapel in Witton Gilbert, near Durham.

Director Stephen Dowson, a relative veteran of the group at the age of 20, said the seeds were sown last May when they chose the panto and began the script-writing, with rehearsals starting in the autumn.

He said: "We aim to get young people off the streets and give them a taste of the theatre, whether its acting, directing, or back-stage."

The show, at Fyndoune Community College in the neighbouring village of Sacriston, runs from Wednesday to Friday, with curtain up at 7pm.

There is also a matinee on Saturday, at 1.30pm.

Tickets, costing £3.50 for adults, £2.25 for children and concessions, or £10 for a family, are available at the door or from the post office, the village social club or Carol's Hairdressers, all in Witton Gilbert, and also from Moments Florists, in Sacriston, or Visage salon, in Langley Park.

Anyone interested in joining the group is welcome to attend the weekly meetings, between 7pm and 9pm, or ring Debbie Harris on (07886) 672638 for further details.