PUPILS at a Durham school put on a glittering performance when they took part in the TalentSTAR 2006 competition.

Of the 18 acts which took to the stage at Durham High School for Girls, nine got through to the semi-final of the North-East talent contest.

Winning their way through were the group JK2, which included Jen Baker, Jordan Roseberry, Kate Knight, Kirstie Wright and Jenni Sneddon.

Also qualifying were solo singers Hanna Fulford, Jen Baker, Jordan Roseberry and Kirstie Wright.

Joining them in the semi- finals will be dance act Hysteria, which includes Jade Smart, Jess Harriman, Nadina Fotinos, Rachel Dale and Rosie Hedley, and groups Salem, featuring Alexandra Hellens, Emily Devine and Sophie Ryan and song and dance act Sizzle, made up of Sophie Daniels, Sarah Cook and Steph Singh.

Adam Chetter, of TalentSTAR, said after the show: "We were amazed by the exceptional standard of the performances from Durham High School for Girls.

"Selecting nine acts, which is a tour record, was a difficult decision and every performer who took to the stage was a credit to herself, her family and the school.''