TV star David Brent will give one of his infamous motivational talks to businesses planning to ban smoking in the workplace.

Companies and doctors' surgeries will be recognised for helping to create a smoke-free Stockton with an award presented by a lookalike of David Brent - the character from hit comedy The Office.

The event, at Stockton Town Hall tomorrow, also features the launch of Smoke-Free Stockton and the National Clean Air Awards.

The businesses being presented with awards are Carpaccio's Restaurant, Poppy's Hairdressers, in Stockton, South View Care Home and Quadrangle Restaurant, both in Billingham, and Hamilton Russell pub and restaurant in Thorpe Thewles.

Doctors' surgeries and a dentist are also being awarded. They are Park Lane Surgery, Elm Tree Surgery, Tithe Barne Medical Centre, Tennant Street Practice and M A Thurland.

The event comes less than a week after MPs voted to ban smoking in all enclosed spaces by summer 2007.

Smoke-Free Stockton is a partnership that aims to encourage more smoke-free areas in public places. The partnership includes Stockton Borough Council, North Tees Primary Care Trust, Stockton Renaissance and Cleveland Fire Brigade.

The National Clean Air Awards are an initiative from the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and the scheme is the first in the UK to reward employers who implement effective no-smoking policies.

Stockton borough councillor Ann Cains said: "The effects of smoking cause more than one in five deaths and we must provide every opportunity to help people avoid second-hand smoke or to give up smoking themselves."