A NEW information service has been set up by disabled people for disabled people on Teesside.

Called the Disability Information Resource Service (Dirs), it is the idea of people who use Hartlepool's Havelock Day Centre for people with physical disabilities and will be run by them from the centre.

It will advise people on where they can get advice on a wide variety of disability-related topics, from benefits and health to access issues.

The service will operate Monday to Friday, from 10.30am to 2pm, and people can either drop in or call the telephone helpline, (01429) 231192. People can leave messages for Dirs out of hours.

It is funded by the national Awards for All initiative and the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund and is supported by Hartlepool Borough Council, Hartlepool Voluntary Development Agency and the European Social Fund.

Debra Taylor, chairwoman of Dirs, said: "Dirs is a service set up by disabled people for disabled people and around disabled people. This includes family, carers and everyone connected with the disabled.

"We can direct people to the correct phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses of the people and organisations who can help them with their particular query. Our dream is to become a registered charity and to be located in the town centre."

Councillor Ray Waller, Hartlepool council cabinet member for adult and public health services, said: "I congratulate the Havelock Day Centre members on taking the initiative and creating this exciting new service."