A HEADTEACHER was in police custody yesterday - charged with being the best teacher in the world.

The "allegation" was made against David Bellett, from Holy Trinity Primary School, Stockton.

However, pupils from the school came to his rescue and donated almost £200 in bail money to secure his release.

The money is going towards an animation project and the stunt was made possible thanks to the officers at Billingham police station.

PC Sarah Troy said: "He was arrested for being the best headteacher in the world. He came very peacefully.

"Because of his good behaviour, he was released at lunchtime, after his pupils managed to raise enough bail money for his release."

Two year six pupils, Hayley Richardson and Rachael Gunn, won the chance to help by writing a detective story.

PC Troy said: "My two little helpers were wonderful. They helped take his fingerprints and took him to his cell, which they obviously enjoyed doing."

Mr Bellett said: "It was not an experience that I would like to repeat for real. I thought I could just sit and relax and read a book. But the cell was cold, and the two girls made sure it was too dark to read."