A COUNCIL is examining ways that more people can have a say in the planning process.

Derwentside District Council has drawn up a draft statement looking at how the area will change over the next few years, including how planning applications are considered.

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) also encourages developers to undertake consultation with communities during the early stages of significant planning applications, before they are submitted to the authority.

A council spokesman said: "The council hopes that the range of initiatives it is proposing will give everyone sufficient opportunity to become involved in the planning system.

"However, we need to know if we have got it right, so are asking for comments.

"These will be used to help prepare the final version of the SCI, ready for submission to the Secretary of State later this year.

"Comments can be made until March 10."

A full copy of the SCI can be viewed at the following locations during normal opening hours; the Civic Centre, in Consett; the Front Street Offices, in Stanley; the Neighbourhood Offices at South Stanley, Annfield Plain, Moorside and Langley Park; and the libraries at Consett, Stanley, Annfield Plain, Blackhill , Lanchester, Langley Park, Leadgate, South Moor and Esh Winning.

The SCI and response form can also be viewed online at www.derwentside.gov.uk/ planning