PEOPLE can learn about digital photography, card making and forensic science at evening classes starting soon in Ushaw Moor.

Durham County Council's education in the community will run 11 courses at the Durham Community Business College - formerly Deerness Valley Comprehensive School - starting next week.

People can enrol at the school today, between 2pm and 4pm, and between 6pm and 8pm.

The courses are: painting and drawing for beginners, sugarcraft, digital photography, sign language, beginners and level one), card-making, forensic science, beginners and level one, abnormal psychology, men's keep-fit, computer maintenance, computers for beginners and Internet and e-mail.

All the courses will run for ten weeks and the cost is £30, or £15 for people on the state pension and free for people on benefits.

For further information about the courses, call 0191-373 9073 or 0191-384 2777.