AN emergency plan is in place to help people sleeping rough during the freezing weather.

City of York Council says it is ready to act if plummeting temperatures mean lives are at risk.

Staff at the Peasholme Resettlement Centre, in York, are monitoring the temperature and wind-chill factor.

If they fall to a dan- gerous level, anyone sleeping rough will be encouraged to use emergency accommodation.

All vacant beds at the Peasholme Centre and Arc Light Hostel will be filled first.

If all beds there are in use, accommodation will be provided in the hostels' lounges.

If individuals are believed to be a risk to others, they will be provided with a survival bag and hot drinks.

The police and ambulance service will also be informed of their situation.

Tim Carroll, resettlement services manager at the Peasholme Centre, said: "All resettlement agencies actively work with all rough sleepers throughout the year to encourage them to access services, as we do not want anyone sleeping rough."