TEMPORARY planning permission to hold an indoor market and table top fair on an east Durham industrial estate looks set to win approval.

The John Noble organisation has applied to Easington District Council for approval to stage the events each Sunday, for a limited period, at the Cook Way Industrial Park, Peterlee.

The matter will be decided at a meeting of Easington's development control regulatory panel, on Tuesday, January 10.

Planning officers at the authority have recommended approval of the venture, despite the fact that retailing on industrial estates is normally opposed.

In a report to the panel, officers have pointed out that "this proposal relates to the sale of second-hand goods, on Sundays only, and for a temporary period.''

It adds: "In view of this, it is considered that the use will not affect the nearby town centre and will remain available for employment in the long term.''

It is anticipated that 200 vehicles will visit the site, which officers say is acceptable from a traffic perspective.

It has therefore been recommended that the panel give conditional approval to the application and allow the indoor market to be open from 1pm until 5pm each Sunday.