RESIDENTS of Sedgefield borough who received bikes for Christmas are being urged to protect them from thieves.

Sedgefield Community Safety Partnership will hold four free security marking sessions for new and old bikes throughout next month.

Sean Barry, partnership co-ordinator, said: "Thefts of cycles rise after Christmas as thieves target new bikes - so make sure your Christmas present doesn't end up in the hands of criminals before the festive season is over.

"Thieves will be far less likely to steal a bike if they know that it is marked, because if they are caught they will not be able to pass it off as their own.

"It also makes it that much easier for people who have had their bike stolen to reclaim it. I would encourage any cyclist in the area to make use of this free offer."

As well as security marking, police officers and neighbourhood wardens will be on hand to offer crime prevention advice at the following sessions, all from 10am to 1pm on Saturdays:

January 7, Sedgefield Village Hall; January 14, Aycliffe Youth Centre, Newton Aycliffe; January 21, Spennymoor Leisure Centre; January 28, Ferryhill E Cafe.