RESIDENTS in an area at the centre of controversial regeneration plans will be getting their own support team in the new year, thanks to a massive cash injection.

Middlesbrough Council is using some of the money to open a community office at Newport Neighbourhood Centre, in St Paul's Road.

The centre is in the middle of the older housing area where the council is launching plans to tackle the blight of housing market failure.

The Middlesbrough Partnership, which works to improve the town's quality of life, recently allocated £1.5m from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund towards the council's housing renewal programme.

The plans will mean:

* improvements to 6,000 homes in the area;

l 750 new homes for sale and rent;

l the clearance of 1,500 properties, including the controversial demolition proposals in the Gresham area.

Three community workers, Maggie Dark, Tracey Harvey and Steve Cooke,will work from the centre, with staff from the older housing project team, to strengthen the support available to those living in the affected areas.

Councillor Dave Budd, the council's executive member for regeneration, said: "We'll be encouraging people to help us shape the new, safer and more sustainable communities which will be created.

"We realise this is a time of great change, which is why it is important that people have access to accurate information and support, and that all local services work together to maintain people's quality of life.

"The new community office will make sure that advice and information is easily accessible and that services on the ground are co-ordinated."