PEOPLE across the North-East and North Yorkshire were yesterday urged to make a "green" start to the new year by recycling their Christmas waste.

Recycling centres across the region are getting ready for an influx of Christmas trees after the festive period.

Last year, more than six million trees were brought into Britain, most of which were thrown out after December, creating more than 9,000 tonnes of additional rubbish.

Recycling centres across the region will turn used trees into chippings - which can in turn be converted into compost to improve gardens and parks.

It is estimated that up to one billion Christmas cards (17 for every person) could end up in bins across the UK after Christmas.

One council is offering an added incentive. Hambleton District Council, in North Yorkshire, has told residents that anyone taking their tree to a recycling centre between Monday and January 12, can enter a prize draw to win a Patagonia fleece, solar-powered wind-up radio, or wind-up torch.

This year, some councils are inviting residents to put their old cards in with their household recycling, and if not, shops such as WH Smiths and Tesco Extra offer recycling points.

Over the whole of the Christmas period, up to 30 per cent more glass bottles and metal cans are thrown away - generating more than three million tonnes of rubbish over Christmas.

Councillor Brian Myers, cabinet member for waste management for Durham County Council, said: "We all make New Year's resolutions we can't keep, but one we can follow through the entire year, is to cut down on our waste.

"Recycling is not just for the festive season, we can all kick off the new year with a resolution to reduce the amount of waste our families produce."

His words were echoed by a Darlington Borough Council spokeswoman, who said: "It is easier than ever to recycle in Darlington. There are collection points around the borough for real Christmas trees.

"The revamped household waste and recycling centre opened just before Christmas and has already become the biggest in the region in terms of tonnage received.

"We would urge everyone to start the new year by recycling and keep up the good habit throughout 2006."

Wintry conditions have caused minor delays to recycling collections in parts of Darlington.

Wednesday's snow and ice means that some areas of the borough did not have their recycling collected, but teams were out yesterday visiting the streets that were missed.

The team plans to catch up with the delays, and by today, all recycling collections are expected to have returned to normal.

A spokeswoman for Darlington Borough Council said: "We would like to thank residents for their co-operation and patience as we catch up on the missed collections caused by the bad weather."

Anyone with queries about their recycling collection is asked to call (01325) 388777.