WHILE this week's freezing conditions have left the Sunderland first team kicking their heels, Mick McCarthy last night admitted his toughest task since Christmas has been keeping Kevin Kyle off the club's snowbound training ground.

Kyle, who has not kicked a ball since last August, is gradually approaching full fitness following two operations to treat a hip problem that, at one point, threatened to curtail his career.

Unsurprisingly, given Sunderland's parlous position at the foot of the Premiership, the Scotsman is desperate to prove his fitness as quickly as possible in order to help the club's battle against the drop.

But, while a fully-fit Kyle would be a considerable asset given Jon Stead and Andy Gray's struggles in front of goal, McCarthy is unwilling to take any unnecessary risks in an attempt to speed his progress.

That has not gone down well with the striker, but the Black Cats boss is willing to cause offence if it enables one of his leading lights to return before the end of next month.

"Kevin wanted to join in an 11-a-side game just the other day," said McCarthy, ahead of tomorrow's home game with Everton. "I had to walk right over and say to him, 'Kyler, f*** off'.

"He went away and kicked three or four balls all over the pitch. Then he was made to go and fetch them because his toys had come out of the pram.

"It's all because he wants to play. I want him to play as well, but I had to explain to him the following day that's all well and good.

"If I had let him join in the 11-a-side and he had got himself injured, who would have been the pillock? It would have been me.

"Although he had been training well, he was not supposed to be playing in the 11-a-side.

"If he had played and got injured, I would have been to blame. I'm the one who has to put up with the big sour face he gives me, but I have to try to protect him.

"When you watch him in training, you can see what a good player he is and what a handful he will be. But we need him to be right.

"We're looking for him to play a couple of games for the reserves in January, but it's important he's OK to play in those games in his own mind."

Kyle has been out for so long that his return will essentially be like the arrival of a new signing and, with the transfer window set to re-open on Sunday, McCarthy is hoping to add at least two more new faces next month.

The Black Cats boss is currently weighing up a move for Celtic's former Bolton and Newcastle winger, Alan Thompson, while Bhoys youngster Stephen Pearson remains another midfield target.

Israeli goalkeeper Nir Davidovich is unlikely to make a permanent move to Wearside, however, after returning to Maccabi Haifa following a week-long trial at the Academy of Light.

"Nir did really well but he has gone back to play for his club," confirmed McCarthy. "He's playing for them on New Year's Day and we will keep monitoring the situation.

"As for other players, I'm still looking. I'm not going to comment on anyone individually because that's tantamount to tapping players up.

"But we're looking for players in all areas of the pitch. Nobody is going to leave - there's no suggestion of that - but I would like to add to the squad."

Before McCarthy can even consider making new signings, though, there is the small matter of tomorrow's home game with Everton to consider.

The postponement of Wednesday night's game at Blackburn was a massive disappointment at the time but, in hindsight, the decision could yet prove advantageous to the Black Cats.

While McCarthy's men were able to recharge their batteries following last weekend's goalless draw with Bolton, Everton's players were suffering the humiliation of a 3-1 home defeat to derby rivals Liverpool.

"I'm sure it will benefit us to have had the night off," said McCarthy. "I certainly hope so. When we were driving back from Blackburn on Wednesday night I was trying to concentrate on the positives.

"I feel sorry for David Moyes but they have played, have been beaten and have had two players sent off. That could benefit us.

"Physically, it should certainly help us that the Everton game is not our third in six days.

"If you have a game on a Saturday, the ideal preparation is not to play on the Monday and the Wednesday before it. I'm far from revelling in someone else's misfortune but, if we can take advantage of it, we will."

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