A 30-year-old woman has been given two suspended prison sentences after admitting two counts of child neglect.

Samantha Baldwin, of Shelley Road, Darlington, had head-butted one of the two children, who were under the age of 16.

Darlington magistrates yesterday heard that Baldwin had been drinking during the day and could not remember the incidents.

She was given two four-month jail terms, suspended for 18 months by magistrates.

Baldwin also has to take an 18-month supervision order, including 100 hours unpaid work.

Chairman of the bench Colin Beadle said: "These are obviously very serious offences. We can only express our extreme disappointment that you acted in such a way."

The charges, plus assaulting two police officers and a third assault of a child, related to an incident on September 18.

The court heard that Baldwin, who was in tears during the hearing, had been drinking with two friends.

A passerby noticed one of the children trying to climb out of an upstairs window. The child had severe injuries, including bruising to an eyelid, elbow, thigh and leg and a number of grazes.

Police were called to the house, where one was spat at by Baldwin.

She later spat at another officer at Darlington police station and scratched his face.

Jacqueline Gibson, prosecuting, said: "During the interview she couldn't remember what she had done because of the amount of alcohol she had consumed."

In Baldwin's defence, David Birks said: "This was an isolated incident. There has been nothing since and no outburst since and there has been nothing substantial before."

He said the incident had been fuelled by alcohol and that Baldwin had since sought help for her abuse.

Mr Birks added: "She has learned a very harsh lesson in respect to this."

Magistrates said the length of sentence was cut because of her clear remorse and that it appeared to be a one-off offence. Baldwin also has to pay £50 compensation.