MARRIED Anthony Mallaby punched his girlfriend twice in the face and harassed her over four months when their relationship broke down, a court heard.

The 42-year-old of Yiewsley Drive, Darlington, started an affair with Jacqueline Jackson, whom he had known as a teenager, after they were reunited in October 2004.

Mallaby's wife left him - but later his relationship with Ms Jackson also broke down.

Yesterday Mallaby, a civil servant, admitted assaulting Ms Jackson on November 16, and harassing her between July and November this year.

Darlington Magistrates' Court heard that on November 16, he had arrived at Ms Jackson's home to pick up his car.

He became agitated and angry and pushed her twice, before following her upstairs and punching her in the jaw and then striking her again, knocking her over.

She tried to get her car keys - but he snatched them from her grazing her hands, before throwing them at her stomach. He told her he planned to sue her for breaking up his relationship with his wife

Prosecuting, Colin Beadle, said Ms Jackson had been petrified.

Mr Beadle said police had told Mallaby not to send Ms Jackson any more text messages - but he persisted, telling her he was going to get help for his drinking problem.

Defending, Chris Bunting, told the court it was Mallaby who had tried to break up the relationship - causing Ms Jackson to feel "spurned and rejected".

"He says he was slapped on at least two occasions by Ms Jackson. He says she was drunk that night and she started on him.

"There is always two sides to every story. He doesn't want to open old wounds, he wants to put this behind him," said Mr Bunting.

Handing Mallaby a 12-month restraining order and a £100 fine, with £34, costs, and ordering him to pay Ms Jackson £100 in compensation, chairman of the bench, Colin Beadle, said: "In terms of domestic violence let's draw a line under it, it has to stop here. We don't want to see you back here."