A MIDDLESBROUGH businessman has donated more than £27,000 for a refurbishment programme at the Rest Garden, in Linthorpe Road.

The owner of SG Eaterie, Steve Gavin, provided the funds to improve the view from his premises, which overlook the garden.

The restoration scheme, which is being carried out by Middlesbrough Council, includes repairing existing sandstone walls and paving, providing new street signs, benches and litter bins, and planting new trees and shrubs.

Mr Gavin said: "Working to regenerate Linthorpe Gardens will help stop the decline of the village and offer a focal point for the community and put it back on the map.

"It has been very rewarding to be able to reinvest in the area. It has been a privilege to work on such an exciting project."

Sponsorship for the improvement scheme is also being provided by Greggs the bakers, which has premises nearby.