THE Government has been handed a gilt-edged opportunity to right some hefty wrongs.

The decision to commission a review into the feasibility of relocating government departments to the regions presents the clearest chance to date to do just that and to restore some balance to the nation.

Sir Michael Lyons has been gathering evidence looking at the arguments for and against scattering thousands of civil servants to the four corners of the country.

To do so would be to shift power and economic wealth from the Whitehall core to areas that would truly benefit from the move.

This region is blighted by political success, beset by politicians in positions of power who pursue a policy of positive discrimination.

How can an area which elected countless ministers - not least the Prime Minister - be saddled with the economic and social deprivation experienced in the North-East?

Too often, cabinet ministers shy away from implementing policies that could help those on their doorsteps who need it most.

It is understandable. They spend much of their time in London where they are scrutinised by Capital-centric Media who would be the first to shout 'nepotism' if ministers began looking after their own.

Our MPs should wake up and see for themselves that now is the time to act.

There is a multitude of sound economic, social and political reasons to pursue the radical change proposed.

The onus is on the region's leaders to prove that we can offer the facilities, opportunities and quality of life that would ease such a transition.

Published: 09/09/2003