LEGISLATION that allows same-sex partnerships the same rights as married couples will have repercussions for business, a law firm is warning.

The Civil Partnership Act, which came into force last week, will allow adults to register a same-sex civil partnership, with many of the same rights as marriage.

Apart from the impact on divorce and family issues, it also has implications for the workplace, say lawyers at Samuel Philips' law firm in Newcastle.

It is already an offence to discriminate against people with same-sex partners.

But employers now have to be aware that they must:

* Allow unpaid leave to an employee to deal with unexpected problems concerning a same-sex partner;

* If benefits such as insurance or healthcare are provided to employees' partners, then ensure that covers same-sex partners;

* Those that apply to spouses, must also cover civil partners;

* Ensure pension schemes provide survivorship benefits for civil partners as well as spouses;

* Amend application forms so that reference to marriage or spouse refers to civil partner or partnership.