VANDALS are risking their lives by climbing up to 50ft on to a building in Derwentside.

Over recent weeks, there has been an increase in youths causing damage to the roof of Grorud Engineering, at the Castleside Industrial Estate, Moorside, Consett.

It appears they are entering the compound and climbing on to the roof - but police do not know how they are managing to scale the height.

Roof tiles and more than 20 skylight windows were damaged over December 3 and 4.

Pc Glen Cutts said: "There is a concern, not only due to the criminal damage aspect of this, but also the safety of persons scaling a high roof not designed to take such weight.

He said it was a "serious accident, waiting to happen".

Anyone with information is asked to call Pc Cutts on 0845 60 60 365.