SCHOOLS have demonstrated their commitment to the environment by taking advantage of a special offer.

Thirty-four schools in Hartlepool, including both primary and secondary, applied for free garden starter packs, courtesy of the council's Pride in Hartlepool campaign.

Each pack contained a variety of items, including a number of trowels, hand forks, gloves and assorted bulbs to help them get their gardening initiatives under way.

Keeley Metcalfe, Hartlepool Borough Council's community environmental action officer, said: "We sent a letter to every school in town, inviting them to take up this free offer, and we were delighted with the response.

"The packs will enable pupils and staff to get involved in a range of gardening and environmental projects that will help them to learn more about sustainability issues.

"They will also be able to use the tools to carry out small improvement projects in and around their schools, improving the town's appearance in the process."