MYSTERY surrounds an old photograph showing hundreds of people witnessing a mock hanging outside a dales pub.

The photograph was believed to have been taken in the early 1900s outside the then-Phoenix pub, in the market place at Stanhope, in Weardale, County Durham.

A copy of it was returned to the dale by Linda Teece, of Littleborough, near Rochdale, Lancashire, who has spent the past three years researching her family history in Weardale. It is now in the bar of the pub, which has since been renamed the Bonny Moor Hen.

The original photograph, with six others taken in the dale, were treasured by Mrs Teece's grandmother, Annie Thompson, who lived with her for 20 years after she left the family home, Shittlehopeburn farm, at Stanhope.

Mrs Teece, who has been able to trace her dale roots back to her great, great, great grandfather, Hall Stobbs, of Wiseley Hall, Wolsingham, said: "I suppose I first became aware of the photograph when I stayed at the Pack Horse, just across the market place from the Phoenix.

"I was only ten years old then, but I still recognised the pub and the hanging figure from my grandmother's photograph."

So far, Mrs Teece has drawn a blank about why the photograph was taken. But various theories have been advanced.

Some dales residents believe it may have something to do with the Sufragette movement because there are a lot of women in it wearing straw hats.

The mock hanging may also have had something to do with the capture of a local criminal.

But June Crosby, of the Weardale Society, whose members help research local history, believes a more likely explanation is that it is a celebration of the end of the First World War.

She said: "A lot of events like this took place in 1918 at the end of the war. The effigy which is being hanged could be one of the Kaiser."

The photograph continues to baffle locals and visitors to the Bonny Moor Hen.

Landlord Geordie Parker said: "It is certainly a very unusual photo and it has attracted a lot of interest. There are even people peering out of the windows of the Phoenix to see what's going on below. There is also no explanation for the figure hanging from the side of the pub. We can only hope someone, somewhere can help solve the mystery."

Anyone with information about the picture can call Mr Parker on (01388) 528214.

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