A FAMILY mourning the anniversary of two brothers' deaths found the wreck of the boat they died on for sale on the Internet.

Robert Temple, 34, and his brother, Brian Allison, 27, died when the fishing trawler Jan Denise II sank in the North Sea on November 17 last year.

The trawler, which was recovered from the sea, was put up for sale on the Internet only days after the anniversary of their deaths.

Robert's widow, Christine, said: "It is an insult to their memory.

"We knew nothing about this sale and it has just brought it all back to us.

"How can anyone be so heartless?"

The brothers, both from Fencehouses, near Chester-le-Street, County Durham, and originally from Seaham, east Durham, were experienced trawlermen. Their bodies have never been found.

Fishermen contacted the family after they saw the Jan Denise's 30ft hull for sale for £1,000 on the Boats and Outboards website.

The boat was sold for scrap by Tyne and Wear Marine, in South Shields, South Tyneside.

The family said none of the adverts made it clear the hull was being sold for scrap and was not for use as a boat.

Jeff Main, from Tyne and Wear Marine, who was involved in the search for the bodies of the men, said: "It was always the intention for the boat to be scrapped. I appreciate now that this may have been an insensitive time. I never intended to upset a grieving family in any way and I apologise if that has happened."