CHRISTMAS shoppers are to be given a larger than life lesson on recycling while out on their buying sprees.

During the run-up to December 25, recycling messages are to be projected on to the walls of supermarkets and prominent buildings in centres across County Durham.

Durham County Council's Cabinet member for waste management, Brian Myers, said: "At Christmas, we produce a third more rubbish, the majority of which can be recycled.

"The Recycle This Christmas message projected on to supermarkets and other buildings will be in full view of shoppers and will, hopefully, motivate and encourage them to think about minimising waste when they shop."

He added: "We also want people to use their kerbside box for the extra cans and glass bottles produced over the holiday.

"It is difficult to engage with people at this time of the year because waste messages are competing with strong advertising and everyone is very busy with their own Christmas arrangements.

"We hope this simple and novel way of attracting attention will help get the messages across," he said.

The messages are to be projected on the outside walls at Morrisons, in Barnard Castle, Asda, in Bishop Auckland, Spennymoor and Stanley, Milburngate Shopping Centre, in Durham, and Tesco, in Chester-le-Street on different days leading up to Christmas.

The county council has also been working with retailers to produce gift tags to be attached to real Christmas trees giving details of where they can be recycled. The laminated tags will later be entered in a prize draw when the tree is taken to a council household waste recycling centre.