A DESPERATE plea to save the life of a baby fighting for his life has been echoed by his grandparents.

Lennox Nicholson, five months, is battling for life in St James' Hospital, Leeds, as his parents, Simon Nicholson, 21, and Amy Robinson, 20, of Oak Road, Guisborough, east Cleveland, keep a bedside vigil.

Doctors say he must receive a liver transplant within days, or he will die.

Grandparents John and Julie McIntosh, who also live in Guisborough, spoke of their heartbreak at watching their grandson's fight for life and their hope that he will see Christmas.

Mrs McIntosh said: "It's very hard when you can't be there regularly. It's a very difficult situation and very stressful for all concerned.

"Lennox is a very special boy. He's a heck of a fighter, even through all the horrendous medical procedures he has had to endure."

When Lennox was born, weighing 7lb 1oz, at Middlesbrough's James Cook University Hospital, on June 21, he appeared to have no problems.

But within weeks, he developed jaundice and chronic liver problems were diagnosed.

* For more information about organ donation call the national NHS organ donor helpline on 0845 60 60 400.