A MAN who abused three girls almost four decades ago has been jailed for nine years.

Joseph Rush carried out the indecent assaults over a number of years, and raped and attempted to rape one of his victims.

Teesside Crown Court heard the offences took place between 1966 and 1978.

Nigel Soppitt, for Rush, said social services officials carried out an investigation 15 years ago, and said that Rush suffered a nervous breakdown.

He said: "It may well have been his guilt or anxiety playing on his mind. It is not a case of it being a dark secret that has just come to light.

"He hopes the victims can now get on with their lives.

"He believes his life is over."

Rush, of Shieldburn Road, Glasgow, had denied three counts of indecency with a child, rape and attempted rape, but was convicted by a jury.

Judge Tony Briggs made the 55-year-old subject to a sexual offences prevention order banning him from working with children.

He said: "You have been responsible over many years for indecency with a variety of people who were then children.

"These were perfectly planned in a devious way. You found opportunities to indecently assault them in a variety of ways."