MORE than 200 children and parents got on their bikes to support a school project to get more people using pedal power.

Abbey Junior School, in Darlington, was chosen out of thousands from the country to be a Bike-It school - a project run through green transport charity, Sustrans, which aims to get more pupils cycling to school.

Abbey Junior is gearing up for extra children travelling on two wheels by introducing new cycle racks, and it hopes to install a bike shelter soon.

Bike-It project officer Vicki Hill said: "This was a really special event.

"It was a phenomenal sight - a sea of bicycles.

"This is one of the highest numbers I have ever welcomed to a Bike-It Wheely Wednesday.

"It's even more special because we have only just started working with this school and until now, no one cycled in.

"For many parents this was their first time on a bike for quite a while and we hope they enjoyed themselves so much they'll want to cycle in with their children to school more often.

"The school is completely committed to helping their children receive training, safe places to store their bikes and lots of cycling fun and events to help them become, fit, healthy, cyclists."

The project is funded by the bicycle industry and Cycle England and is supported by the school travel teams of Darlington Borough Council.