HUNDREDS of young people have signed up to a scheme keeping them up to date with youth events in Darlington - through their mobile phones.

TextVibe was launched by Darlington Borough Council in June, as part of the authority's response to an Ofsted report that was severely critical of its provision for local teenagers.

The scheme allows any young person who is registered to receive information about events in the Darlington area, as well as the chance to have their say about life in the town and how it could be improved.

Since it was launched, 400 young people have signed up and received information.

Last week, members were reminded by text to wear blue clothing to mark the national Anti-Bullying Awareness Day.

As well as giving out information, the service has been used to get feedback from young people about events that have been organised for them.

The views expressed will be used to help shape future events for youngsters in the borough.

Councillor Chris McEwan, the council's cabinet member for children's services, said: "I am really pleased that this service has proved so popular with young people in the borough.

"TextVibe is a great way for the council to communicate directly with young people to tell them what is happening in the borough and find out their views on a wide range of subjects.

"The views of young people are important to us and, now we have this great way to communicate with them, we will be making sure their opinions are taken into consideration when decisions are made which effect them."

Any young person in the Darlington area can sign up to TextVibe.

Registration forms are available from the town hall, the Dolphin Centre or at any council-run youth club in the borough.

People can also sign up on-line at www.darlington.