Aid volunteers are needed: Redcar and Cleveland Women's Aid is looking for enthusiastic women who are interested in supporting survivors of domestic violence in rebuilding their lives.

The group provides safe temporary accommodation, outreach and an awareness-raising service for women and children fleeing domestic violence. Training will be provided in a six-week course, which will start early next year. For an application form contact (01642) 490917.

CHARITY SUPPORT: A 1970s charity night at Loftus West Road Social Club raised of £400, with the cash split between the Great North Air Ambulance and St Helen's Church, Carlin How, east Cleveland.

NEW START: Martin House, Redcar, which closed down as a home for ten elderly residents has been bought by Milewood Healthcare Ltd for conversion to a learning disability home. It is due to reopen next February.

FALSE ALARM: Flashing lights triggered an alert that someone was injured at the foot of Hummersea Cliffs, east Cleveland, on Saturday evening. Skinningrove coastguards were called out but after a search the lights turned out to be fishermen and it was classed as a call with good intent.

FUNDRAISER: Marske Methodist Church holds a Christmas coffee morning next Tuesday, from 10am to 11.30am.