A RUNDOWN area of Teesside is to be revamped in a bid to bring in new jobs - and safeguard existing ones.

Council bosses are hoping to make the industrial zone of east Middlesbrough a more attractive business location.

The Lawson and East Middlesbrough industrial estates, together with Dockside Road, have been targeted for special treatment.

The rundown nature of the area and shortcomings in security have led to both estates becoming crime hotspots.

Poor maintenance has contributed to their general run down appearance, together with poor sign posting, lighting, information points and overgrown verges.

Middlesbrough councillors are told in a report written by regeneration director Tim White that: "Some of the infrastructure and buildings are now showing signs of deterioration and neglect, especially in the older parts.

"The problem is compounded by a number of prominent vacant buildings and derelict sites.''

The area, which is home to more than 100 businesses, employing a total of more than 1,000 people, is to be made the East Middlesbrough Business Action Zone.

A recommended injection of £245,000 of public money, could trigger a further £105,000 in private investment.

Gateway features to the site are being proposed and could cost an estimated £200,000; £40,000 coming from EC grants and £20,000 from the businesses trading there.

Mr White's report says to do nothing is not an option.