POLICE investigating a sex attack have released an e-fit picture of one of the suspects.

Police believe that a gang of six men were involved in the assault on the 36-year-old woman in the graveyard of St Martin's Church, York, early on Sunday, November 13.

The woman is deaf and unable to speak, which prevented her from shouting for help.

Police have released an e-fit image of a man she met in the city's Reflex Bar. She left the bar with him at about 2am.

Detective Inspector Jon Reed said: "He is the one who took her to the graveyard. We want to trace this man in connection with the sexual attack.

"Anyone who recognises the e-fit should contact us. If they were innocent, we would be able to eliminate them from our inquiries.

"It is extremely important for people to come forward as this man is a main link with the inquiry. We will treat calls with confidence.

"There were six people involved, which makes this attack unusual. For the same reason, that makes it even more important for us to trace the offenders.

"We have to look at all angles, whether they were businessmen here for the weekend, part of a stag night or possibly friends on a night out."

Anyone who was in Reflex, or in the area of Micklegate, George Hudson Street and St Martin's Lane, between 9pm on Saturday, November 12 and 6am on Sunday, November 13, is asked to contact police on (01609) 768111.