WARNINGS have been made to householders of a possible spate of pre-Christmas break-ins.

Burglars are on the prowl in Ryedale and people should focus on home security.

Two homes were recently broken into in the Norton area by thieves who made a forced entry during the day.

Safer Ryedale official PC Terry Triffitt says that although burglaries in the district are few, householders should not be complacent.

"It's not just improving security to your home that can make a difference, you can do simple things like keeping valuables and presents out of sight. Putting them in the loft is ideal if you can, to help keep these criminals at bay," he said.

Safer Ryedale, the community safety partnership, can offer advice on home security. For more information or help, contact PC Triffitt on (01653) 600666 ext. 317.